1 Million Women

1 Million Women Video

The story begins with two girlfriends chatting over a cup of tea. What if living better doesn’t have to be difficult? What if our everyday choices add up to a big difference for the planet and future generations? What if 1 million women were making it that simple?

1 Million Women launched in 2009 in Australia. Like in many well-off nations, everyday lifestyles can be wasteful, polluting. Many just consume too much. This harms the planet, it costs us a lot, and wanting more and more is stressful. The solution is less stuff, while getting more out of life.

As women we decide about 85% of household purchases. If 1 million women all make one better choice, however small, it leads to real change. 1 Million Women a community of women determined to act on climate change. Together, our choices and how we live make us powerful!

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