Gangaji “Silencing the Mind” Video Gangaji, an American-born teacher and author, has traveled the globe since 1990, speaking with thousands of spiritual seekers from all walks of life. Her message is powerful in its clarity and simplicity: True peace and lasting fulfillment are not only our birthright; they are the essential nature of our being.…
Funeral Video Celebrate the beautiful imperfections that make a relationship perfect. Please share this as a reminder to “think family”. This video looks at relationships in a different light, through a woman at her husband’s funeral. If you enjoyed this video, then view more positive, self growth videos here.
Follow Your Passion
Follow Your Passion Video Follow your personal passion and be confident in your life direction. Feel the inner peace of knowing that your life is aligned with what you are called to do. This is your one and only precious life, do what you love doing. If you enjoyed this video, then view more positive,…
Father And Son
Father And Son Video Watch and share this touching story of a father and son and a sparrow. If you enjoyed this video, then view more positive, self growth videos here.
Father And Son Story
Father And Son Story Video This is a beautiful story of a father and son who don’t see eye-to-eye and forget what family is. They come back together when… you’ll need to watch the video! If you enjoyed this video, then view more positive, self growth videos here.
Father and Son Lessons
Father And Son Lessons Video Follow the journey of a young boy, as he sees first hand the importance of respecting, honouring, and loving his parents, through the best and the worst of times. Filial Piety: Father and Son revolves around the ups and downs of a three-generation household, with the heart and soul of…
Everything Happens For A Reason
Everything Happens For A Reason Video Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people…
Enlightened Manifesting Vibration
Enlightened Manifesting Vibration Video Catch a fire and enlighten your life by raising your manifesting vibration! This inspiring 4-minute video will awaken the enlightened manifestor within you and begin turning you into a manifesting magnet! The vibrant music used in this video is “Catch A Fire” by Haddaway. If you enjoyed this video, then view…
Emmanuel’s Gift
Emmanuel’s Gift Video Emmanuel’s Gift is a feature documentary by Lisa Lax and Nancy Stern. The true story of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah, a disabled athlete from Ghana Africa who rode a bicycle across his entire country with one leg. He became a national hero and has become a champion of the disabled for his country.…
Do Not Weep
Do Not Weep Video “Do not stand at my grave and weep” is a Holocaust poem and elegy with a very interesting genesis, written in 1932 by Mary Elizabeth Frye (1905-2004). Although the origin of the poem was disputed for some time, Mary Frye’s authorship was confirmed in 1998 after research by Abigail Van Buren,…
Divine Guidance
Divine Guidance Video Caroline Myss is a pioneer in educating the public on the field of energy medicine and human consciousness. She holds degrees in journalism, theology, and intuition and energy medicine. Caroline’s work bridges our ancient understanding of the human energy system—the chakras—and current scientific study of how our thoughts influence our bodies and…
Dance With The Light
Dance With The Light Video 2015 is the UN International Year Of Light. Sure do hope so! 🙂 These Japanese dancers using lights in their performance is absolutely a unique thing. Enjoy this beautiful visual display while they dance with the light. If you enjoyed this video, then view more positive, self growth videos here.
Cuillin Ridgeline Death Defying Ride
The Ridge is the brand new film from Danny Macaskill. For the first time in one of his films Danny climbs aboard a mountain bike and returns to his native home of the Isle of Skye in Scotland to take on a death-defying ride along the notorious Cuillin Ridgeline. Watch this video here.
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year Video According to the Chinese Zodiac Calendar, year 2014 is the Year of the Horse. It begins on January 31, 2014, and ends on February 18, 2015. Take a look at some of the traditions such as Lion Dancing, Firecrackers, Red Packets and more! If you enjoyed this video, then view more…
Connect To Your Higher Self
Connect To Your Higher Self Video Your Higher Self is the aspect of your consciousness closest to Source – the fully realized eternal being that you are. It exists beyond space and time and the confines of third dimensional reality, and is the overseer of your multi selves – past, present and future, conscious and…
Communication Signs
Communication Signs Video A simple, short, love story about communication. If you enjoyed this video, then view more positive, self growth videos here.
Chicken And Eagle Story
Chicken And Eagle Story Video Imagine you possessed an absolutely awesome power but you denied yourself knowledge of it due to your psychological conditioning. If you enjoyed this video, then view more positive, self growth videos here.
Charter Of Compassion
Charter Of Compassion Video We urgently need to make compassion a clear, luminous and dynamic force in our polarized world. Rooted in a principled determination to transcend selfishness, compassion can break down political, dogmatic, ideological and religious boundaries. Born of our deep interdependence, compassion is essential to human relationships and to a fulfilled humanity. It…
Pale Blue Dot
From this distant vantage point, the Earth might not seem of any particular interest. But for us, it’s different. Consider that pale blue dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives.
Gross National Happiness
Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness Video The Kingdom of Bhutan is a tiny landlocked country in the Himalayas of less than 800,000 people that is bordered by India and China. The Kingdom wants to preserve its identity by promoting its vision of anti-consumerist happiness to the world. Bhutan is the only country to measure “Gross National…
Beauty Of Pollination
Beauty Of Pollination Moving Art Video A film about the threat to essential pollinators that produce over a third of the food we eat. The seductive love dance between flowers and pollinators sustains the fabric of life and is the mystical keystone event where the animal and plant worlds intersect that make the world go…
Be Water, My Friend
Be Water, My Friend Video Don’t get set into one form, adapt it and build your own, and let it grow, be like water. Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless – like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle. You…
Around In Crazy Circles
Around In Crazy Circles Video Feel like your life is spinning out of control? Are things just going around and around in crazy circles? Perhaps you are simply looking at things from the wrong perspective, or what you believe exists, is not truly so at all! The definition of an illusion is, something that deceives…
Alice Herz Sommer
Alice Herz Sommer Video The Lady in Number 6 is one of the most inspirational stories ever told. 109 year old, Alice Herz-Sommer, the world’s oldest pianist and oldest holocaust survivor, shares her views on how to live a long happy life. She discusses the vital importance of music, laughter and having an optimistic outlook…
Message For All Humanity
A Message For All Humanity Video Charlie Chaplin’s inspirational final speech in “The Great Dictator” One of the most inspirational speeches in recorded history was given by a comedian by the name of Charlie Chaplin in the movie “The Great Dictator”. If you like what you see please share the video any way you can…
A Letter From Fred
A Letter From Fred Video A 95-year-old Peoria man isn’t a musician, but the lyrics he put on paper are now being shared with the world. Fred Stobaugh said, “I was sitting here one night, oh about six weeks after she passed away and just sat here kind of hummin’ a little bit and it…
8 Principles Of Fun
8 Principles Of Fun Video The eight principles of fun is an irresistibly funky animated movie designed to help you create more fun in your life. What are you waiting for? If you enjoyed this video, then view more positive, self growth videos here.
7 Clearing Techniques #7
7 Clearing Techniques #7 Video 7 Clearing Techniques #7, the final, of 7 techniques to help get you clear, presented by Joe Vitale. When you think about it, you often haven’t taken action in the past because you had uncertainties, fears, and blocks. It may be time to consider having an ally. If you enjoyed…
7 Clearing Techniques #6
7 Clearing Techniques #6 Video Number 6 of 7 techniques to help get you clear, presented by Joe Vitale. Many people make the error of not taking action. Yet this can be easy and almost effortless. The idea is to take an inspired next step. Action creates results. If you enjoyed this video, then view…
7 Clearing Techniques #5
7 Clearing Techniques #5 Video Number 5 of 7 techniques to help get you clear, presented by Joe Vitale. Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Just imagine you already have what you want to have, do or be. What does it feel like? Stepping into the end result can accelerate it coming into your…
7 Clearing Techniques #4
7 Clearing Techniques #4 Video The simple method of saying four specific phrases, while meditating on your problem and connecting with your idea of a higher power, is enough to start wiping out any and all “programs” that have been stopping your flow in the past. This is number 4 of 7 techniques to help…
7 Clearing Techniques #3
7 Clearing Techniques #3 Video Number 3 of 7 techniques to help get you clear, presented by Joe Vitale. Attract things to match your new energy by practicing gratitude… If you enjoyed this video, then view more positive, self growth videos here.
7 Clearing Techniques #2
7 Clearing Techniques #2 Video What are your limiting beliefs? Joe Vitale presents 7 techniques to help get you clear. The clearer you are the faster you manifest. This is video #2 of the series. If you enjoyed this video, then view more positive, self growth videos here.
7 Clearing Techniques #1
7 Clearing Techniques Video #1 Seven techniques to help you get clear, by Joe Vitale. The clearer you are, the faster you manifest. If you enjoyed this video, then view more positive, self growth videos here.
Questions You Have Been Avoiding
5.75 Questions You have Been Avoiding Video We all want to live a big, bolder, braver life. 5.75 Questions You’ve Been Avoiding are the big questions that lie at the heart of such a quest. Your life is woven from the answers you’ve given. Now face the tough questions; the questions at whose heart lies…
4-7-8 Breathing Exercise
4-7-8 Breathing Exercise Video The 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise is utterly simple, takes almost no time, requires no equipment and can be done anywhere. Conscious breathing takes various forms. Dr. Weil believes each variety can be a useful tool for achieving a desired mental or physical state. As the Zen Buddhist monk Thích Nhất Hạnh puts…
3 Most Important Questions
3 Most Important Questions Video In this video, you are going to change the way you think about goal setting. You are going to be presented with the 3 most important questions to ask yourself. If everyone asked themselves these questions at the age of 18, Vishen Lakhiani believes the world would be a much…
100 Years In The Future
100 Years In The Future Video If you were living 100 years in the future in the year, and you could send a message to people living now… What would you say? Enjoy many inspiring responses already gathered, and condensed into 15 KEY messages including: -Expanding your vision of what is possible -Remembering who you…
1 Million Women
1 Million Women Video The story begins with two girlfriends chatting over a cup of tea. What if living better doesn’t have to be difficult? What if our everyday choices add up to a big difference for the planet and future generations? What if 1 million women were making it that simple? 1 Million Women…